Digitizing the planning

Digitizing the planning and steering of value added chains

Many companies regard the digitalization of planning as a major opportunity to adequately meet the growing future challenges associated with handling complexity. What are the reasons for increasing complexity? And what possibilities do current planning and steering architectures offer for coping with such complexity?

There are various reasons for increased complexity. The market is increasingly demanding individualised products accompanied by high service claims. On the other hand, complexity is increasing within companies, e.g. on account of technical progress, self-steering organisational methods and the impacts of demographic developments.

Stable and reliable planning of value added networks today demands new approaches and integrated systems. Complexity must be manageable. Digitalization supplies the appropriate solutions for this.

Computer based decision support is capable of proposing a solution interactively and in real time which is coordinated with other performance units of the value added network and also pursues the respective corporate goals. Following aspects are essential to realize a successful transformation for a digitalization of supply chains:

  • Transparency: keeping an eye on production

  • Horizontal integration and synchronisation of the supply chain

  • Dynamic capacity analysis for production optimization

  • What-if-scenarios in real time

  • High data quality and best user experience

The quality of plans and planning systems becomes apparent when the targets are achieved and if the requisite effort and expense involved are low. Planning supports the pursuit of targets concerning short processing times, greater loyalty to volumes and deadlines, high productivity and low stocks. Feasible planning achieves all of these at low cost.


Supply Chain 4.0 - Planning and control in real time