Procurement Flow

Procurement Flow


Demand-driven planning based on the supply chain solution Procurement Flow improves your production capability and ability to deliver within just a few weeks.

What are we improving with Procurement Flow?

Procurement and supply chain performance

  • Synchronization of supplier network and production to meet customer demand, first at process and planning level, in second step through system support

  • Visibility into order, production and delivery status. Improvement of delivery capability and delivery reliability with simultaneous reduction of safety stocks

Materials management based on smart analytics

  • Ensuring high availability, minimal inventories and short response times through dynamic analysis and target design of an integrated materials management concept

  • Adjustment of data and change of plan parameterization to ensure the optimum between quantities and delivery times

  • Creation of a model that takes into account all important factors of production and order processing over time

Joint development of a customer-specific process and data model

  • Laying the foundation and preliminary work for digital support of the process and performance world through any kind of system support

  • Combination of standard with customized solution. This includes: Description of interfaces, integration and harmonization of supplier data

  • Secure and anonymous data exchange through Digital Twin to ensure data security for all


Generate optimal...

  • Procurement conditions

  • Agreements for SCM

  • Information flows

  • Decision paths

Your advantages are...

  • maximum available material

  • maximum available services

  • high inventory turnover

  • reduce inventories


Building on this, our digital solution Synchronization can provide you with on-time delivery across all stages and ensure delivery capability in real time.


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